Max For Live

A selection of Max For Live tips and device downloads by Liveschool trainers, guests and the maker community

Sequencer Roundup Part 1: Software Sequencers

There are a lot of skills to master as an electronic producer – from arrangement to sound design to production, the list of things to learn can seem infinite. One effective strategy to overcoming the hurdle of infinite options is to limit yourself, o... Read More...

Free Download: The World’s Longest Reverb

The world record for the longest natural reverb was smashed this month by Trevor Cox, Professor of Acoustic Engineering at the University of Salford, in a recording captured in an underground oil storage tank from WWII. We've used the impulse respon... Read More...

Best of Max: Utilities and Workflow Enhancers

Max For Live is one of Ableton Live’s most powerful features, but it’s difficult to browse through new Max For Live devices and acquire some for your collection - there are so many being published more or less every day. Don’t fret though - we’ve put... Read More...

Best of Max: Step Sequencers

With Max For Live devices being created and made available in increasing abundance, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed when browsing for something new to add to your collection. To help you on your quest, we've decided to put together a regular blog ... Read More...

Q+A: Creator of VIZZable Bob Jarvis

Bob Jarvis is an audio-visual artist and programmer from Melbourne who recently caught our eye with his Max For Live centred projects, most notably VIZZable, a suite of plugins for video performance and manipulation. Ever wanted an easy way to integr... Read More...