Please note: this competition has now closed. We have announced the winner and will be featuring the winning project on our blog. Of course, you are still more than welcome to get involved and play around with our Drum Rack!
Liveschool has teamed up with the legends at Korg, Ableton and to bring you this innovative and interactive competition with some awesome prizes being supplied thanks to Korg and Ableton. Up for grabs is a Korg Volca Beats analogue Drum Machine and a hefty Ableton webstore voucher.

One of the prizes – a Korg Volca Beats Drum Machine.
After getting our hands on one of the first Korg Volca Beats units in Australia, the first thing the our trainer Yama Indra (aka GLOVES) did with it was to take it down to show off to Anthony Garvin (also a Liveschool trainer) at Studios 301 where they ran it through an API 512c preamp, into the SSL 9000k mixing desk for a little compression and then turned it up loud while they put the machine through it’s paces, which definitely did not disappoint. Lucky for you, they captured some of the best raw sounds from the session in Ableton Live, which they’ve now turned into a tasty Drum Rack and uploaded to
So now it’s your turn! We’re giving you the drum rack and the samples for free via and we’re asking you to pick up where Anthony and Yama left off. We want you to tweak, effect and manipulate the Korg Volca Beats samples to come up with your own customised version of the drum rack, then show your drum rack off by making a demo beat with it and finally share your results with us (and the world) using Trent from Liveschool has published a great sounding entry as an example, so if you need some inspiration, head on over and check out his drum rack and beat here.
Read the entry and prize details below, then get creative – we can’t wait to hear what you all come up with!
1. Head over to our VIP invite page at to create you account. To get started on you’ll need Ableton Live and a dropbox account (if you don’t have one, get one here). If you need further help with setting up your account, head over to’s comprehensive help page.
2. Go to the Korg Volca competition page here at and ‘Pull’ the project, then in your dropbox, you”ll get a download of an Ableton Project containing a Drum Rack filled with samples from the Korg Volca Beats.
3. Tweak and customise the drum rack to make it your own and then make a cool beat to demonstrate it. Make sure you ‘save as’ your project with a new name, to your Blend folder in your dropbox, then finally ‘collect all and save’.
4. Publish your drum rack project to, with your beat as a preview so everyone can hear it. To publish with a preview in, you’ll need to export your beat as a WAV file, then rename the exported WAV as ‘preview.wav’ and put it inside the project folder. To register for the competition you must also tag your published project with VOLCACOMPETITION (you’ll see the option to ‘tag’ when publishing your project).
1. The best drum rack wins one Korg Volca Beats analogue Drum Machine. The winner will be determined exclusively by the highest number of ‘pulls’ (downloads) on their published project.
2. The best beat wins one Ableton webstore voucher (€99/ $149USD). The winner will be determined exclusively by the highest number of ‘likes’ on their project.
1. Entries must use no other samples than those contained within the original Liveschool Korg Volca Beats Project.
2. Entries must not be modified versions of other entries – you must start with the raw samples in the Liveschool drum rack.
Competition closes Monday October 14th, with winners being announced and featured here on our blog on Tuesday October 15th.
Check out this article on the recording process of the samples, or for a good read on including a Q&A with it’s creator head over to this page.
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