Our good friends over at Studios 301 are now offering Liveschool Students a special discount on their mastering services. All Produce Music students and those enrolled in our Mixing & Mastering Focus Module can now grab a 10% discount off the world-class mastering service available at Studios 301.

Studios 301 is Australia’s largest mastering facility, specialising in mastering music for Vinyl, CD, iTunes and other digital formats. The Mixing & Mastering Focus Module is held at both Liveschool and the incredible facilities of Studios 301 Alexandria.

If you are student enrolled in one of the above courses, head to the Contact Us page of our website and drop us a line for more information on how to redeem your discount. Not a Liveschool student? Check out our Produce Music and Mixing & Mastering course pages to enrol.


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Learn more about Mixing and Mastering.

liveschool produce music