Our community includes some of Australia's best DJ's and producers - which is the best excuse ever to throw a party. Our last Groovepool party event was held Fe... Read More...
Our community includes some of Australia's best DJ's and producers - which is the best excuse ever to throw a party. The recent Groovepool event was held at an ... Read More...
Groovepool party - There's no party like a Liveschool party. Our team and our students include some of Australia's best DJ's and producers - and for a community... Read More...
Groovepool 2021
After a year like this one, you truly deserve a party. In a stroke of perfect timing, after 3 months of lockdown in Sydney we're able to throw ... Read More...
Groovepool liveschool party 2021
All this creative energy, and finally somewhere to let it rip! This party was made even more special as a graduation for all o... Read More...
With all the talent that reigns in our ranks you can be sure we can summon a serious lineup for a party.
Groovepool is our regular private party for students...
We know that our Liveschool students and team are a dedicated bunch. After all, putting in the time to turn your dreams into reality is a massive accomplishment... Read More...