Liveschool trainer Elizabeth Rose gave us and a room of 80 people an incredible walkthrough of the techniques behind two songs from her forthcoming debut album INTRA at one of our INPUT events last year.
Now that her album INTRA is officially released on Inertia Music, we can finally share these videos of her talk with you all.
In the two videos below, Elizabeth Rose takes you inside the Ableton Live sessions of her songs “Anxiety” and “Same old Song”, sharing tonnes of creative tips along the way – from kick drum layering and making risers with a pocket piano, to creating gliding melodies from stuttering kick drum samples.
Buy INTRA, check out more of Elizabeth Rose’s tunes and much more at
This presentation was filmed at INPUT March 2015 – a Music Producer’s Conference featuring Eric J Dubowsky, Jono Ma (Jagwar Ma), Elizabeth Rose (Universal Music) & Mr. Bill.
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